Tuesday 29 December 2015

Skin indications that confirmed it is diabetes

Diabetes is a condition where the body has elevated blood sugar levels. The increase in blood sugar level can be there when body is not able to produce insulin or in case the body cells are not responding to the insulin. Diabetes is not restricted to any single part of the body as it doesn’t leave any part of the body. Any person at any age can get affected with same.

Some of the strongest symptoms for the condition include skin condition of the patient. Studies also said that diabetes patients if are not using ayurvedic medicine for diabetes or any other treatment or issues then chances are high they would have dealt with different skin problems. The skin condition as the result of diabetes can be cured but required to take prior precautions. Leaving them ignored would end with severe condition. Here given is the list of skin related indications that actually are the warning signs for the diabetics that they have to have the elevation in blood sugar levels.

Skin Indications for diabetes

Acanthosis nigricans- It is a condition which usually attacked the diabetics and due to same, the dark patches on the skin takes place and the condition is there due to hyper pigmentation and usually occurs where the skin meets like neck, armpits, under the breasts and groin. Having the symptoms means you are at the pre diabetic stage and ignored condition would become prominent with the passing time. 

Diabetic dermopathy- Smaller blood vessels supply blood and oxygen to skin to make it damage and the condition is there with diabetes. Having same would make small red or brown colored patches over the skin. The patches usually occur in the legs and arm and are completely harm free. Still they leaves you with itching and seek medical attendance for same is prior. 

Fungal infections on skin- Diabetics have high sugar levels in their blood and it creates the proper atmosphere for fungal growth and pathogens formation as well. These fungal infections are characterized by the presence of rashes and sore spots over skin that is surrounded by the small blisters on the sides. The very common blisters in the diabetics are known to be Candida albicans. For development of the fungal infection it is required to have moist and warm regions and so placed over or around the fingernails, armpits, in groin area, corners of the mouth, between toes and under foreskin of the male genitalia. Another common fungal infections that priory affects the diabetics includes jock itch, athlete’s foot and ring worm and so if you are the patient with these indications then it would be wise that you would immediately rush to the doctor as ignorance of the issue would not only leave you with skin issues but on the same time would also enhances the chances of dependency over ayuvedic medicine for diabetes. So, prevention would work like cure of the disease for you.

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